Adult Kickboxing

a great workout with practical technique and self-defense in mind.

Our kickboxing emphasizes Self-Defense as well as cardio

kickboxing at THE Academy represents authentic fight training for practitioners of all levels.

Muay Thai Kickboxing is a striking art that blends kicks, knees, elbows, punches, and clinch work with devastating efficiency. Fighters all over the world seek Muay Thai Kickboxing to improve their striking effectiveness, and give themselves an edge in the ring.

Don't confuse our kickboxing classes with the mainstream "cardio-kickboxing" classes you see in gyms across the area. Muay Thai kickboxing at The Academy represents authentic fight training for practitioners of all levels.  These are a high energy classes where students can burn up to 800 calories in a workout! Kickboxing training is very safe thanks to sophisticated pad training that evolved to keep fighters healthy between fights.

Students will learn fundamental punches, kicks, elbows and knees. Classes consist of footwork skills, shadow boxing, drills, pad work, heavy bag training and various partner coordination drills. Sparring is available for intermediate and advanced students. If one does not wish to spar, then that is perfectly fine. We do not make anyone do anything that is out of their comfort level.

If you are just looking to get in shape, lose weight, gain weight, find a new hobby, or compete one day, this martial art style is perfect for you!

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